Notice to Unit Holders of the Closed-End Mutual Investment Fund "Global Markets"
Dear Clients,
Joint Stock Company "Tansar Capital" (hereinafter referred to as the "Management Company"), acting as the Management Company for the Closed-End Mutual Investment Fund "Global Markets" (hereinafter referred to as the "Fund"), hereby announces the following: In accordance with the Rules of the Fund, we notify you of the convening of the General Meeting of Unit Holders of the Fund.
Meeting venue: 050059, Almaty, Al-Farabi Avenue, Building 19/1, Business Center "Nurly Tau," Block 3B, 7th Floor.
Date and time of the meeting: December 23, 2024, at 15:00.
Registration start time: 14:00.
Registration end time: 14:55.
Date for determining the list of unit holders entitled to participate in the meeting: December 20, 2024 (as per the Register of Securities Holders as of December 20, 2024). Agenda of the Meeting: Introduction of amendments and additions to the Rules of the Closed-End Mutual Investment Fund "Global Markets" as per the proposed draft.